International Conferences
Yoshitaka Kameo, Yuka Yokoyama, Taiji Adachi, "A continuum-based particle model for linking multicellular dynamics to tissue morphogenesis," 4th International Workshops on Advances in Computational Mechanics (IWACOM-IV), OW1-02, Kitakyushu, Japan, September 2024.
Yuka Yokoyama, Yoshitaka Kameo, Taiji Adachi, "Continuum-based particle modeling for elastic analysis of multicellular tissue morphogenesis," 16th World Congress on Computational Mechanics and 4th Pan American Congress on Computational Mechanics, W242120, Vancouver, Canada, July 2024.
Yuka Yokoyama, Yoshitaka Kameo, Junko Sunaga, Koichiro Maki, Taiji Adachi, "The regulatory mechanism of long bone development through mechanical stress anisotropy promoted by chondrocyte hypertrophy," Society for Developmental Biology 83rd Annual Meeting, #375, Atlanta, USA, July, 2024.
Yuka Yokoyama, Yoshitaka Kameo, Taiji Adachi, "Simulation of growth plate development during bone morphogenesis by the one-factor model," 29th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, 1120, Edinburgh, Scotland, June 2024.
Yuka Yokoyama, Yoshitaka Kameo, Junko Sunaga, Koichiro Maki, Taiji Adachi, "Mechanical stress analysis in the growth plate toward understanding the mechanism of long bone development," EMBO workshop on Limb Development, 55, Dresden, Germany, June 2024.
Yuka Yokoyama, Yoshitaka Kameo, Taiji Adachi, "Evaluation of the effect of a cell cycle checkpoint on multicellular tissue growth," 12th Asian-Pacific Conference on Biomechanics (AP-BIOMECH) 2023, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, November 2023.
Jorik Stoop, Yuka Yokoyama, Taiji Adachi, "Continuum-based particle model of bone morphogenesis predicts changes in tissue shape and structure due to secondary ossification (predicting structural changes in bone morphogenesis using a particle-based model)," ASME 2023 International Mechanical Engineering congress & Exposition (IMECE2023), New Orleans, USA, October 2023.
Yuka Yokoyama, Yoshitaka Kameo, Taiji Adachi, "Multicellular mechanical modeling for investigating bone morphogenesis," 18th International Symposium of The Institute Network, Tokyo, Japan, October 2023.
Yuka Yokoyama, Yoshitaka Kameo, Taiji Adachi, "A simulation study reveals the effect of a cell size checkpoint on tissue mechanical behaviors," 6th Japan-Switzerland Workshop on Biomechanics, Otaru, Japan, August 2023.
Yuka Yokoyama, Yoshitaka Kameo, Taiji Adachi, "Modeling and simulation of tissue growth caused by cell proliferation during morphogenesis," 28th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, 316, Maastricht, the Netherlands, July 2023.
Yuka Yokoyama, Yoshitaka Kameo, Taiji Adachi, "Computational analysis of tissue mechanical behaviors according to cell proliferation during morphogenesis," RIKEN BDR Symposium 2023, P-53, Kobe, Japan, March 2023.
Taiji Adachi, Yuka Yokoyama, Hiroshi Kamioka, Yoshitaka Kameo, "Image-based Simulation Study on Mechanosensing Amplification Mechanism at Osteocyte Processes in Bone Canalicular Space," 15th World Congress on Computational Mechanics and 8th Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM-APCOM2022), MS403: Molecular and Cellular Biomechanics, p. 712, Yokohama, Japan (online), July 2022.
Yuka Yokoyama (Invited), Yoshitaka Kameo, Taiji Adachi, "Mechanical modeling of multicellular growth for computer simulation of bone morphogenesis," 9th World Congress of Biomechanics (WCB2022), O-22098, Taipei, Taiwan (hybrid), July 2022.
Yuka Yokoyama, Yoshitaka Kameo, Taiji Adachi, "Computer simulation of multicellular dynamics in bone morphogenesis by material point method," The 11th Asian-Pacific Conference on Biomechanics, PP2-102, Kyoto, Japan (online), December 2021.
Yuka Yokoyama, Yoshitaka Kameo, Taiji Adachi, "Image-based analysis of flow-induced strain on the osteocyte process via tethering elements," 26th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, Milan, Italy (online), July 2021.
Invited Talks at Domestic Conferences
Yuka Yokoyama, Yoshitaka Kameo, Taiji Adachi, "Mathematical analysis of tissue morphogenesis caused by cell proliferation depending on the mechanical condition," 33rd Conference on Frontiers in Bioengineering (The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers), 2F01, Kobe, Japan, December 2022.
Yuka Yokoyama, "Mechanical regulation of long bone development through multicellular dynamics," Japan Bone Academy 2024, Tokyo, Japan, December 2024.
Yuka Yokoyama, "Mechanical analysis of cellular activities in bone morphogenesis and remodeling," Open Seminar, Kanazawa, Japan, September 2022.「骨の形態形成およびリモデリングにおける細胞動態の力学解析」