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  1. EMBO travel grant, EMBO Workshop Limb development: Fundamental mechanisms, evolution, disease and regeneration, June 2024, Total 400 EUR.

  2. Travel Award, 29th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, July 2024, Total 400 EUR.

  3. Grant for presentation at international research meeting, The Kyoto University Foundation, 2023.7, Total 350,000 JPY (国際研究集会発表助成,公益財団法人 京都大学教育研究振興財団).

  4. Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows (Grant Number JP23KJ1234), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), 2023.4–2025.3, Total 2,000,000 JPY.

  5. Research expenses, Mori Manufacturing Research and Technology Foundation, 2021.4–2023.3, Total 2,000,000 JPY.


  1. Young Investigator Outstanding Presentation (バイオフロンティア若手優秀講演表彰) (日本機械学会 第34回バイオフロンティア講演会), Division of Bioengineering, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, December 2023.

  2. JSME Women of the Future Award (2023年度(第7回)日本機械学会女性未来賞), The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, December 2023.

  3. BEST ABSTRACT AWARD, 12th Asian-Pacific Conference on Biomechanics (AP-BIOMECH) 2023, November 2023.

  4. Outstanding Presentation (日本機械学会 第35回バイオエンジニアリング講演会), Division of Bioengineering, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, June 2023.

  5. Outstanding Poster Presentation (日本機械学会 第34回バイオエンジニアリング講演会), Division of Bioengineering, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, June 2022.

  6. Graduate School of Engineering Dean's Award (令和3年度工学研究科長賞), Kyoto University, March 2022.

  7. Outstanding Student Presentation (日本機械学会 第32回バイオフロンティア講演会), Division of Bioengineering, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, January 2022.

©2023 By Yuka Yokoyama. Created with

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